LFA Picnic

It’s about that time to prepare for the annual LFA picnic! Held again at Reservoir Park in Hellertown, PA, on July 23, 2011.  The picnic is a great opportunity to get out and enjoy a [hopefully] beautiful Saturday afternoon in the scenic grove pavilion and mingle with family.

 The picnic, as it was in the past, is free to attend with your LFA membership. Lunch and beverages are provided, though attendees are asked to kindly bring a dessert to share with everyone. Crafts will be available for the kids’ entertainment during the picnic and the nearby field offers numerous possibilities for activities including softball, volleyball, Frisbee and football.

 So that ample food is made available, please RSVP by July 9th to Don Hallman. Responses via phone or email will be accepted or, for your convenience, an RSVP ticket is enclosed in your newsletter packet which you can mail in. You will also find an insert containing directions to Reservoir Park and signs will be placed roadside the day of the picnic to provide further navigational help. If any additional assistance is needed, or if you have any questions, please contact your LFA president, James R. Laubach, Jr.

 The picnic will kick off at 11:00 a.m. and food will be served around noon. The annual meeting will take place after the picnic lunch. During the meeting, elections will be held for the officers and board members, and a goodwill offering to help support the LFA will be collected.

 Everyone is encouraged to stay after the meeting for continued fun and fellowship. Jordan Laubach will be overseeing the kids’ crafts and activities, taking over for her older sister, Rachel, who has been in charge of this in the past, and there will be plenty with which the adults can entertain themselves, too. 

See you all there!